
New Functionality - Guest Status Update
You spoke – we listened!
You told us that during busy holiday periods, particularly in when you have same-day-turnarounds, you simply do not always have time to immediately complete a full report for pre-arrival preparations and guest vacate inspections, but it’s still imperative you update the property owner that this has been done.
So, we’ve created Guest Status Update.
Now you can quickly and easily send a status update to the property owner when letting their property out to holiday guests.
There are three statuses:
Property Prepared & Available for Check-in
Keeps the property owner informed when the property is ready or if there is a delay in preparing it, so they can update their guests.
Guests Checked-in
Notifies the property owner that their guests have arrived and are now occupying the property.
Guests Vacated
Informs the property owner that their guests have now left.
You can switch between the statuses with just one tap!
This functionality is primarily to keep the property owner updated, and as such you are not required to enter any dates or times, and so no updates are made with regards to Last Inspection dates. These are updated if and when you complete the normal inspection reports.
Fix to Keyholder's Email Address
There was an issue causing copies of inspection reports to not be sent to the Keyholder if requested. This did not affect reports being sent to the property owner. This has now been resolved.
If you find any problems remember we are here to help.
ChecKey-Pro is now SmartCheck!
The name change is to align the Keyholding Inspection app with SmartGuest – our Digital Guest Book app.
But this is so much more than just a new name and updated logo!
SmartCheck includes many updates and new and improved functionality and features. including:
A slicker design layout
New Dashboard providing an 'at a glance' status overview of your properties - inspections due/over due/contracts due/over due, keys released to third-parties not yet returned.
New checks – quickly configure additional rooms/areas that need inspecting for each property – study, hallways, storerooms etc.
Separate checks for each bedroom & bathroom that is configured
Ability to flag & report any issues found
Personalized ‘Canned Comments’ to automate Inspector’s comments
Increased number of photos allowed on inspection reports
Greatly improved Context Help and support process.
This is a major release. If you find any issues - broken links, bugs and even typos PLEASE let us know and we'll get right on it. Contacting Support is now much easier - just click on the question mark on any screen and click the contact support button.
We hope you love your new SmartCheck!